Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Predicting Berkshire Hathaway stock price from current "Price/Book" Ratio

On the one hand, if the stock market is "Efficient", then one should not be able to predict how much the stock will go up or down from its current price based on information other than the stock price. The Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) teaches us that all the information about a company is available and priced into its current stock price. If we could predict from other information that the stock would rise, then that would cause the current price of the stock to rise in anticipation of this.

On the other hand, if we find we can predict outsize or undersize growth in stock price based on non-price information, then the EMH is by no means completely true, and we may be able to increase our earnings by trading shares, or options on those shares, rather than just buying them and holding them.

Here, we consider Berkshire Hathaway stock. We will work with the "B" shares for convenience. In particular, we will look at the "Price/Book" ratio of the stock to see if there is information in this metric that can help us make outsize returns from trading BRK.B stock, or options on this stock.
In this figure, we show the stock price and the book value of a BRK.B share over the last 5 years. The blue line shows the stock price in dollars over those 5 years, it has risen from about $200/share to about $450/share during that time. The green line shows the "Book value per share" for the company. The Book value of a company is an estimate of the value of the company calculated in a very highly specified way. For this green line, the amount of Book value associated with each BRK.B share is calculated and shown. The Book value is calculated 4 times a year and reported by the company, we see the Book value rising and falling ever 3 months in the figure. Finally, the red line is "Price/Book", the ratio of the stock price to the stock's book value. Note the Price/Book has values shown on the right-hand y-axis, ranging from 1.0 to about 1.7 over these 5 years.

We hypothesize that Book/Share is a reasonable measure of the true, or intrinsic value of a share of stock. Then when the P/B is high, the price of a share is high, for example at P/B=1.6, someone buying a share of BRK.B is paying a 60% premium over its Book value to buy that share. On the other hand, when the P/B=1.2, someone buying the share at that point is paying only a 20% premium above book to buy a share.

Looking at the time-variation of P/B, we see it varying in a possibly random way between about 1.0 and 1.7. If this is true, we would expect the stock to be a better buy when P/B is lower, and $1 of Book value is selling at a low premium, then when P/B is higher. Perhaps we will make more money if we buy the stock when P/B is lower than when it is higher?
In this figure, we show how much money you would expect to make over a two-year holding period when you buy a share of BRK.B at a particular P/B ratio. The x-axis shows the P/B ratio at which the BRK.B share is purchased. The blue line shows the ratio of the stock price 2 years after the share is purchased to the stock price when the share was purchased. So for example, from this chart we look at 1.2 on the x-axis, representing times when we could purchase a share at a price = 1.2*Book/Share. Looking at the curve, we see it's y-axis value at P/B = 1.2 is price=1.5. Here, price represents c_stock/o_stock, the ratio of the c_stock, the stock price at "close," 2 years after purchase, to o_stock, the stock price at open, when we bought the share. That this ratio is 1.5 on this plot means that averaged over many time-periods where the stock could have been bought at P/B = 1.2, the average stock price the stock could be sold at after 2 years is 1.5*o_stock, a 50% gain in two years of holding the stock.

Looking over the whole range of P/B plotted, we see that the expected earnings from holding a share for 2 years varies tremendously depending on the P/B of the stock when it is purchased. For P/B ~= 1.1, we expect a 70% return on our investment in 2 years, or at least that has been our return for such purchases averaged over the last 5 years of stock prices. At the other end of the plot, of P/B = 1.6 we would, on average, have made only about 15% profit in 2 years.

By the way, looking at the label on the title of the plot, it is BRK-B_STOCK_ddays_504. "ddays_504" means we do the average return calculation assuming the stock is held for 504 trading days. There are about 252 trading days per year that the stock market is open, so "ddays_504" is what we do to find the two year return of the stock.
In this figure, we look at how much money you would expect to make over only a one-year holding period.  The curve is very similarly shaped to the two-year curve previously shown.  Indeed, it looks like the 1-year curve is just 20% lower than the 2-year curve.  That is, the 2-year curve went from 70% return down to 20% return as P/B went from 1.1 up to 1.6, while the 1-year curve goes from 50% return to about 0% return over that same P/B.  One might even hypothesize that after 1 year of growth, the stock "forgets" what P/B you originally purchased it at, and just earns you, on average, another 20% for the next year that you hold it.
We now look at the returns after just 6 months. We still see a higher return when buying at low P/B, but the return at P/B=1.1 is 25% over 6 months vs 50% over 1 year. But we now see an interesting phenomenon when buying at higher P/B.  At P/B ~= 1.3, the average return on holding the shares for 6 months is negative!  One would expect to lose 5% of value on these investments, or at least on average that is what has happened during the last 5 years.  This suggests that it is possible to have the stock on sale for such a high price, that not too long after buying the stock at this price the stock price is actually lower.
Going down to only a 3-month holding period of the purchased stock, we see the predictive value on return of the various P/B stock prices we might buy at is becoming degraded, noisier in some sense.  We still see evidence of a better return for P/B < 1.3.  But above 1.3 we sort of see a mish-mosh of returns ranging from a gain of 5% to a loss of 2.5%.
Finally, we complete the picture showing the investment returns over 21 trading days, about 1 month of holding time for the purchased shares.  For the truly inexpensive purchase prices P/B <= 1.2, we see a pretty strong prediction of 8% returns on average, and 8% in 1 month is pretty spectacular.  But for P/B > 1.2 or so, we see a mish-mosh of 1 month returns ranging from +4% down to -2%.


In summary, we see strong evidence that the price at which we buy stock provides quite a lot of information about how well this investment will perform over the next 6 months to 1 year. For time-scales shorter than 6 months, the results are not as clear, although for very low P/B ratios (very cheap stock prices) we still predict outperformance.